Tag: Reading

The Mysterious Roommate

Today Me & Ataahua are working on The Mysterious Roommate.

First we made a copy of everything that she told us to do & we work together & we finished the all of the work except for this one.

Next we were working on different slides to finish the work faster & we were almost there but it was back up time

Lastly it was the next day & Mrs A let us finished it & we did  get to finished it & we started blogging.

I enjoyed working with my best friend

I need work on showing more details in blog.

Making Predictions

Today for reading we been learning about predictions.

First we read the book that Miss Tele’a showed us & went down then we did the work together this one

Next we read wthe book and we all got turns and then she sent us off to do work.

Lastly Miss Tele’a said we can blog the work we have just done or we do the other work & then blog it.

I enjoyed working together.

I need work on adding more details.


Summarising New Boots

Today we are summrising a book called new boots.

First we had to read the story first and then pick which work you do with the book it was out out summarise or Visualise and me and micaela picked summarise.

Next we had to go down to Miss Tele’a so she can tell if we read the book or not.

Lastly Me and Micaela was blogging and finishing out other work.

ANZAC Soilders Diet

Today we are learning about ANZAC Soilders who had to eat rotten Fruits and Veggies.

First ANZAC people have been into war to protect there land so they can have all of the piece in the world.

Next I Valenica told me if i can work with her and i siad yes so we started writing sepretly then at the end we did a funny goodbye gif.

Lastly we showed Miss White and then we started blogging it and then putting it on our must dos.

I enjoyed working hard

I neeed work on doing more work on slides

Response To Text

This week Me and Amarley learning is resposning to the book Writing A Poem.

First I read the book and did the quiz on epic Books.

Next I did the google form to see what i like and don’t like about reading.

Finally me and Amarley work together to respose on the poem and we finally finish it today.

I enjoyed writng what he words mean.

I need to improve writing a poem.

The Loch ness Monster

The Scotland theres a famous lake called lock ness.

There is a monster called the lock ness that swims in the lake. The Loch Ness Lake is 23 wide long and 37 km wide. It is 1 mile and 1.6 km wilde. Peole thinks the lock ness monster is fake but I think it’s real because every country has a monster. For example : New Zealand has a monster called a Taniwha. So that means Scotland monster is the Loch Ness for them.

The Legend of the Loch Ness monster is more than 1,400 years old. The oldest story is about a monk at Lock Ness in 1933, A new road was built around the lake.

People saw the Loch Ness monster and talked about it and wrote down about it in the news paper.

Do you think the Loch Ness Monster is real?