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Mr & Mrs Tele’a Malofie/Tatau

This week for Inquiry Mr & Mrs Tele’a came to LS1 and show us their Malofie/ Tatau and why they got it.

They came in and greeted us and started to talk about why they got their tattoo and what they use to create the tattoo. Before they were talking LS1 showed them a video about our Pese o le Tatau and our tracing we created it into a video and showed our great tracing and our skills.The song the tracings were based on was a Samoan song based on a story of two sisters travelling to Samoa to get a Tatau and made sure they only tell the women not men but then they saw a shimmery clam with a shiny ball in it they went to go and check it out but it was to shiny and they got dizzy and forgot the song they were singing they got confused and sang Tatau for the men not the women they felt something was wrong but they just kept on singing it so the Tatau was for the men not the women. The Tatau rules still happen today and now the Tatau for the men not the women, Malu for the women not the men.

The Mermaids Promise

LI: To write a narrative from an AI prompt `

This week we got to explore Papyrus AI in Writing.  Papyrus AI is a generative AI which has to do with creating things. We used it to help us write a narrative story that incorporated two different fairy tales : Beauty and the Beast, and The Little Mermaid.  Papyrus asked us for our ideas, and gave us feedback to improve our paragraphs, until we had completed our whole narrative story.  Here is my story :

Two sisters were separated and led different lives: one in the deep sea, known as Ariel, and the other in a bustling town, known as Belle. They didn’t know about each other until one day when a fisherman caught Ariel while Belle happened to be walking by. Belle, curious and kind-hearted, stopped the fisherman and urged him to let the mermaid go. Grateful, Ariel returned to the water but soon resurfaced to talk to Belle. As they chatted, they discovered a connection and began to meet every day by the shore, sharing tales of the ocean and the land. Their daily conversations blossomed into a beautiful friendship, and they became best buddies, each learning from the other’s world and cherishing the bond they never knew they were missing.

Belle decided to go swimming with Ariel but didn’t have the money to buy swimming clothes. Ariel remembered that she had swimming clothes she found in the sea and offered them to Belle. Ariel swam down to retrieve the clothes and brought them to Belle. Once dressed, both of them dove into the ocean. As they swam, Ariel took Belle to her underwater home. Belle was amazed at the vibrant coral reefs, the colourful schools of fish, and the sparkling underwater castles. She felt a sense of wonder and excitement as she explored this magical world, marvelling at how different it was from the land.

Ariel bade farewell and decided to go home for now, but she promised Belle that she would come and spend time with her some other day. They knew they would always remember each other. Belle came up with a last idea to throw a party to celebrate their last day together. Happily Ever After. The End.


This is the link to the photo : Link