Month: February 2024

SSR Selfie

I have been practicing my independent reading skills and completed an SSR Selfie. A SSR selfie is where you read independently for 15 minutes, then write down different bits of information that you have read.


Understanding Place Value

This week we revised what we know about place value. We also started learning about how a number can be represented in many different ways. Our task was to go on the shapes put the numbers in the boxes or squares & then at the bottom we right the numbers in words after that we but our name at the bottome & start writing when were done we start blogging it & put it on to our mahi tracker.

Care Values

This week for PB4L we were learning about the Care Values in school (Confidence, Attitude, Respect & Excellence) We had to show what each of them means (For Example) C- We have the confidence to risk sharing our work & words with other people. Here is my Mahi



This week for Cybersmart we’ve been doing bookmarks on our chromebooks since it’s the new year we need to restart our old bookmarks & put our new bookmarks in let me show you my work.

First,We went to go & get our chromebooks & we did the work on the mat with everyone the first question was (Which student has the appropriate bookmarks). Student 1,Student 2 or Student 3 look at the bookmarks carefuly student 3 has the most appropriate bookmarks you had to write it down which student & explain why.

Next,Everybody knows what they are doing we went to our tables & finish off our work & then put it into the mahi tracker. If you don’t know what’s the mahi tracker if you been in LS1 last year it will be simallar to the must do list & f you were in Miss Tele’a group it will be like the hand it in sheet.

Lastly, I was done with the bookmark work & then put it in the mahi tracker & then Miss Tele’a said you have to do 2 blogs on your blog so if i was already finished with the bookmarks well then i will just blog them now i put the slides on the new post & started writing my caption a little while later i was done & publish it to my blog & link it to my mahi tracker.