Day: November 16, 2023

Te Reo

This week for Te Reo Maori we have been translating.

First I made a copy of the template and started listening.

Next I translated things like, “Where is your pencil? It’s on the mat” or “Kei hea to pene? Kei runga i te whariki”

Lastly I bloged my task.

I enjoyed this task because it was easy and short.

I need to improve on translating.

I was good at doing the task fast.

Amorangi PBS LS1 T4 W6 2023

Why Should We Show Respect

This week for PB4L LS1 has been making DLO’s to show respect to those that take care of us.

First I answerd questions on a jamboard.

Next I had to chose from a DLO, Animation, Slideshow, Movie, and more. I chose animation, spicificly a stop motion animation.

Lastly I bloged my task.

I enjoyed this task because it was short.

I need to improve on staying on task.

I was good at doing the task great.


This week for HPE we have been practising discus for athletics day in week 9.

First we lined up and walked to the court, we also sat on the deck outside of the hall.

Next we started streching our legs, arms, and back. We also joged across the court and back.

Lastly we did one last warmup before throwing the discus. We would touch the last line on the court and each time we ran back we touched the line infront of it. Then we threw the discus.

I enjoyed this task because I enjoy discus.

I need to improve on keeping the discus in the zone.

I was good at throwing it at a decent distance.

Reserch Presentation

This week we were doing our reserch on anything that we want i was working with my buddy Hasna we were reserching rugby Here is our work.

First Miss Tele’a was telling us what to do & then she sent us off to do our reserch project & then me & Hasna was thinking really hard & then Miss Tele’a said she divided us into groups we have a time when the group time s up we go on the floor & then present say kia ora LS1 & then tell what slide you got up to.

Next we were done we made 10 slides & then we present it to our groups we got some questions but they weren’t just normal questions those are the questions that are really hard to answer but i thought & i got it.

Laslty i was done & then we showed Miss Tele’a & then stareted blogging & then i publish it put it onto my must do list & Hasna’s one.

Film Review

This week in writing our task was to write a movie reflection from Manaiakalani.

The plot is about a girl who stays up late, she wakes up late and gets to school late she also can’t concentrate at all.
The characters is a class a girl, and the girls mum

I really liked this skid because the main protagonist is rhyming and because it is a really catchy song What I especially like about this skid is that it was made by year threes and it is such a good movie.

I recommend this movie because it tells kids to get some rest so your brain can have a rest. I think that this is a really good movie to watch if you like the song up the wahs.


This term we have been revising our knowledge of decimal numbers.  This week we started our unit on Money.  Knowing your place value and decimal numbers is really important when you are using or working with money. The main point our teacher wanted us to remember this week is that 100 cents goes into 1 dollar.