Tag: pb4L

Care Values

This week for PB4L we were learning about the Care Values in school (Confidence, Attitude, Respect & Excellence) We had to show what each of them means (For Example) C- We have the confidence to risk sharing our work & words with other people. Here is my Mahi


Be Inclusive

This week for PB4L we were doing how to be inclusive to others

First Miss Tele’a was showing us what does inclusive mean & what we have to do & then she sent us off to get our chromebooks & start our work.But Miss Tele’a said we have to ask for promition if we use photos with other people in your class

Next we i was doning the photos with my friend Hasna she help me with 5 of the photos on my work as you can tell.I was done with my work & started blogging & then i was putting the photo in & then i put the title in then i started putting my blog caption on it to.

Lastly i was done & put it onto my blog  & put it onto the must do & put it onto my PB4L folder.

Why Should We Show Respect

This week for PB4L LS1 has been making DLO’s to show respect to those that take care of us.

First I answerd questions on a jamboard.

Next I had to chose from a DLO, Animation, Slideshow, Movie, and more. I chose animation, spicificly a stop motion animation.

Lastly I bloged my task.

I enjoyed this task because it was short.

I need to improve on staying on task.

I was good at doing the task great.

Care For Your Belongings

Regular Cleaning: Regularly clean and dust items to prevent dirt buildup.

Proper Storage:

Store belongings in the right place.

Repair and Maintenance:

Fix items when they break or show signs of wear and tear.

Label and Organise:

Use labels and organisation systems to keep track of your belongings.

Handle with Care:

Treat belongings gently to avoid damage.

Care Values Landscape

This week we were learning about our care values

First Miss Tele’a was telling us what to do so first we had to work on the jamboard first & then when we answered all of the questions we can go onto our DLO for our care values so Miss Tele’a sent us off & then started our work so i was working on my jamboard i already finished it because there is only 5 questions.

Next i was working on my DLO & i was doing my DLO landscape so i started doing the work so i put the word CARE in & then fill the word out & then write my words under Confidence,Attitude,Respect & Excellence i was explaining what all the words was about.

Lastly i was done with my DLO put my name at the bottom & then shared it to Miss Tele’a & then told her & then she said i can blog it i started blogging it & then i wrote my title & then put my DLO Picture in & started writing my words & then i pubish it & put it to my PB4L folder & then put it to my must do’s.

I enjoyed answering the questions on the jamboard

I need work on adding more details

Thank You Whaea Hera

This week we were talking about whaea hera & her hard work

First i was don ding my recycling poster & blogging it & then i was onto my Thank You Whaea Hera Poster

Next i was done & showed Miss Tele’a & she said i just need to add a love heart or a flower

Lastly i was blogging & i finished it & published it onto my blog & my must do list

I enjoyed writing how hard she works

I need to add more details

Recycling Poster

This week we were learning about recycling

First Miss Tele’a gave us an examplefor what to do & then we went off & started doing our work in our writing groups

Next i was finished with my recycling poster & then went onto my other poster i hav to do

Lastly i was finished & then started blogging & put it onto my blog & must do list

I enjoyed putting the photo on the poster

Swimming Expectations

This week for PB4L we were doing our swimming expectations because we got swimming tomorrow

First Miss Tele’a gave us an example fir what we do first

Next we went off & started doing the work so first we did the jamboard work then i was working on my expectations then i was almost done still trying to finish it off.

Lastly i was done then started blogging my work onto my blog post.

I enjoyed doing the writing part

I need work on making it prettier.

Hedgehogs DLO

This week we have been seeing a lot of hedgehogs.

First Miss Tele’a made a Jamboard for when we see a hedgehog we have to leave it in pieace.

Next Miss White made a google drawing of us facts & questions about hedgehogs.

Lastly I was starting on it & get to finish it then i was starting blogging it.

I enjoyed putting the images in

I need work on putting on more words on my blogs

LS1 Classroom Rules

This week we were learnig about our classroom rules because are behaveor are really bad so that’s why we are doing this.

First Miss Tele’a was explaning what to do & then she sent us off & we started doing it.

Next i was doing the title & started doing the words then I get to finished it.

Lastly i was started blogging it & writing my blog post.

I enjoyed writng & helping people with the work.

I need work writng more details.