Design and build a boat using popsicle stick to achieve a specific function.
In Week 4 we were creating boats with materials that float in water. We could work by ourselves or we can partner up I worked with Vaingalo & Eneasi. We were working so hard to make the boat float & sussed the competition.
We planned it on the chromebook first so we can see what we can work with if we didn’t have what we wanted on our chromebook. Our plan was to get like 7 or 6 popsicle sticks & then glue it togethers. Get one more popsicle stick & a rubber band & rap it around the tea bag to make it stand.
Our materials for the buoyancy challenge was popsicle sticks, craft glue, rubber band, straws & a tea bag. We did this on Thursday so the next day we could put it in the water. On Friday, we tested our boats. I was the first one to test the boats in the water. I got scared that it was going to sink because we put too much stuff on our boats.
But when we saw it was 10 seconds left Miss Tele’a shook the table to see which tea bag will get wet. We left it for Friday so the glue can dry out for a little bit. We were so scared if our boat would sink. Our heart was safe when the timer was over & our tea bag was dried.
Some of the class boats float but we didn’t want to eat in front of them so they got a fruit burst as well. We all ate it together with enjoyment. I think we did good and well but I need to work on getting better on my making skills.