Month: March 2024

Maungarei Hikoi Recount

On Tuesday the 18th, Panmure Bridge School went up Mt Wellington Mountain  to learn different parts of the mountain & the story of Maungarei. We started walking up the mountain we took funny photos & some videos of us saying for example ( Hi my name is Amorangi & this is me before the walk) but when we got to the top we all took a nice long break but we were still half way until we hit the real top of the mountain we started walking up & Miss Tele’a told us that the maori people hides near the to see if there are any enemy coming we got to the summit & this old man tells the story of Maungarei. I felt tired but happy to go on a school trip with my friends & Panmure Bridge School.

Being Friendly & Inclusive

This week for Bounce Back and PB4L, we have been discussing what it means to be friendly and inclusive.  We talked about how we can do a better job at making sure we are all including everyone.  For our task we had to show the things to be inclusive & kind to other people even if you don’t know them.


Buoyancy Challenge

Design and build a boat using popsicle stick to achieve a specific function.

In Week 4 we were creating boats with materials that float in water. We could work by ourselves or we can partner up I worked with Vaingalo & Eneasi. We were working so hard to make the boat float & sussed the competition.

We planned it on the chromebook first so we can see what we can work with if we didn’t have what we wanted on our chromebook. Our plan was to get like 7 or 6 popsicle sticks & then glue it togethers. Get one more popsicle stick & a rubber band & rap it around the tea bag to make it stand.

Our materials for the buoyancy challenge was popsicle sticks, craft glue, rubber band, straws & a tea bag. We did this on Thursday so the next day we could put it in the water. On Friday, we tested our boats. I was the first one to test the boats in the water.  I got scared that it was going to sink because we put too much stuff on our boats.

But when we saw it was 10 seconds left Miss Tele’a shook the table to see which tea bag will get wet.  We left it for Friday so the glue can dry out for a little bit. We were so scared if our boat would sink.  Our heart was safe when the timer was over & our tea bag was dried.


Some of the class boats float but we didn’t want to eat in front of them so they got a fruit burst as well.  We all ate it together with enjoyment.  I think we did good and well but I need to work on getting better on my making skills.


Beyond The Reef

Practicing reading comprehension skills with informational text.

This week my reading group started reading the text Beyond The Reef. Our focus is on practicing different reading comprehension skills.  Our story was about a boy waiting for the mens building the boat so they can leave the village & go find a new place to live. After we read together, we completed our response to text slides.

The Magic Room

Amorangi TIES Recount Plan


On a stormy night in my room. I was playing video games on a Saturday night but. I had a feeling something was wrong & someone was looking at me at the back. But when. I looked at the back and I saw these eyeballs looking at me but if you think that is just my  wallpaper in my room.  It wasn’t my wallpaper, it was all the video games like Call Of Duty & Roblox and others. Then I saw a red aura shining all over me then (BAM). I  felt like I was in another world but I was….
First, I got confused where am i am i in a dream or something but then i saw this weird person trying to run to me so i started running but then i tripped on a rock i saw the sore on my foot the person came up to me then i said (GET AWAY FROM ME NOW ) but the person got confused. He was just a nice guy showing people around the village so the person helped me up and said ( Hi my name is Henry) (Hi my name is Noah ) let me show you around he said.
Next, Henry showed me around there village and asked me ( Hey i know this is a weird question but i never saw you before are you new) i said (No i got transport to this world i was just playing video games) (OH) (WHAT) sorry i thought you were just a new born but ok ok i said so how do you know i am new i said oh because i am the chief & i know everybody in my village.
Then, I said i need to get back to my country can you help me oh yeah we have this portal to go back to any country like New Zealand & like Australia & all the other country Henry said Can you please get me back to New Zealand please my mum is going to freak out if she doesn’t see me in the house ok come to my house. Ok go through the portal & your back in your room & New Zealand he said Thank You so much ok here i go.
Oh no my mum is calling my yes oh never mind omg i thought i will get caught time to play more Call Of Duty oh sorry guys i had to go shopping with my mum ok let’s play. It is amazing going into different worlds. If you like adventure & traveling book you would want to read my one even thought this isn’t a book i still count it. 

Recount Highlight

Amorangi TIES – Recount Highlight Task

This week for Writing we were learning Recount but a different way for the senior block this week it is Title, Introduction, Events & Summary we have to highlight the meaning for each on of the T- I – E – S & then we highlight any adjectives & past tense words then after that below it we answer the questions Miss Tele’a gave us but when you get stuck you can read the part it says just a little help.

Being Fair

This week for Bounce Back and PB4L, we have been discussing what it means to be fair.  We talked about how fairness can look different to different people, and different situations where being fair looks different.  For our task we had to draw three scenes where fairness is important. It could be at school, home, or during playtime.  We then had to explain why it is important to be fair in those different spaces.