Tag: inquiry

Te Wiki O Te Reo Maori

This week we have been learning te reo maori for maori language week

First Miss White & Miss Tele’a was showing us what to do on each of the slides & then we went off to get our chromebook.

Next i was almost done to finish my work & i was done & showed it to Miss Tele’a & said i can blog it onto my blog post.

Laslty i was started blogging & writing my words & i was done & blog it & link it to my must do list.

I enjoyed doing the task Miss Tele’a set for us

I need work on adding details to my blog post

Scientist Infographic

This week for Inquiry we did Scientist Inforgraphic

First Miss Tele’a gave us an example for what we do for our work

Next We started on it & i was almost halfway there i showed Miss Tele’a & Then She Just Said  i need to fix uo why is he famous for & then i fix it up & showed her again & then Put by amorangi in it

Lastly I started blogging it onto my blog post & i think this is the bestest work i ever done & it was really fun

I enjoyed doing the work because it was really fun

I need to improved on copy & paste the work on google & i need to know what it means because they will think that i am that smart.

Compare & Contrast

Today for inquiry i learnt about haow to do compare & contrast

First i made a copy & started working on the work i pick the country that i wanted & look for the image of the country

Next I was half way there to finsih off the work i needed & almost there to blog it onto my blog post

Lastly i showed Miss Tele’a and started to blog it & posting it onto my blog post


Food Groups

This week Me & Hasna we were learning about the 5 different types of food

First we were doing different foods so we can get our work done faster.

Next we were writing what it means of define it.

Lastly we finished it & started blogging it.

I enjoyed team work with Hasna.

I need work on different type of word means.

Water Filtration

This week for inquiry we were learning if these items will make dirty water.

First we were putting the the oppitions in first so the opptions are Sand,Rocks and Cotton Balls.

Next we are putting labels what you think it will work to make dirty water.

Finally we are predicting if it will turn to dirty water or not so we are predicting if i will happen or not.

Will it turn to Dirty Water ?