Year: 2023

The Loch ness Monster

The Scotland theres a famous lake called lock ness.

There is a monster called the lock ness that swims in the lake. The Loch Ness Lake is 23 wide long and 37 km wide. It is 1 mile and 1.6 km wilde. Peole thinks the lock ness monster is fake but I think it’s real because every country has a monster. For example : New Zealand has a monster called a Taniwha. So that means Scotland monster is the Loch Ness for them.

The Legend of the Loch Ness monster is more than 1,400 years old. The oldest story is about a monk at Lock Ness in 1933, A new road was built around the lake.

People saw the Loch Ness monster and talked about it and wrote down about it in the news paper.

Do you think the Loch Ness Monster is real?


This week for PB4L we learned about Empathy.

Empathy is the ability to share someone else’s feelings or experiences by imagining what it would be like to be in that person’s situation – putting yourself in someone else’s shoes.

First we watched a video called “Mojo discovers The Maze.” About this sotry it talkas about how mojo learns different emotions get in the way of his and team’s success.

Next we had to Contribute a Jamboard answering the questions about what we watched. For example : What did “MUM” mean when they said “we can impact how others feel”?

Lastly we had to create a poster explaining what empathy is and what it looks like in the classroom. For example : Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of other people who had a rough time or had a hard time.


This week group A were doing  PE we did volleyball practise.

First we did some warm up Miss Morris, Miss Morris  told us to do 6 runs and do burpes in 2′ s we started from 10.

Next we did some set ups for volleyball practise we have to get in a group in between 1 and 4.

Finally we did a game of volley ball so she picked  6 people to be the leaders and 3 people go and  pick a group and vs one of the groups.

I did well on trying to keep on going even though . .I enjoyed when we were vs the other group to see who wins.I need to improve on doing more burbes.