Touch Rugby Kelly Sports

On Tuesday the 15th LS1 walked to the Rugby field.  Near the juniors park to play touch rugby for kelly sport to teach us how to play for when they go to their tournament.
First, we walked out of the classroom to go to the Rugby field near the juniors park and the Panmure Kindergarten. After we got to the field we all sat down listening to the Kelly sport coach (Hunter) so he could show us how to play and what the rules were. When he was finished explaining what we were doing we started doing some games before we played touch.
Next, first we all split into groups of 4 in a line to race the other groups in a race. We all had a turn at running to the end of the cone putting the ball down. Picking it back up and running back and passing to your other team mates. After the last person goes and runs to put the ball down and come back we all have to sit back in our lines and put our hands on our heads.  It was like the relays I had watched during the Paris Olympics.
Then, after 3 rounds of running and passing we all splitted into two teams splitting half of the class to play touch. We all had a run of trying to score some tries and trying to touch people to get the ball back. We all had 5 runs then after that we had to give the ball to the other teams. The only rule is to have fun.
I felt tired but happy at the same time I enjoyed playing touch with my class. Having this experience with them makes me want to play touch for a club. I hope we can play touch again.

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